On shooting intuitively:
Slowly I am learning to trust more and more in what the moment provides. When I let myself be in the moment, I can see that it has more in store for me than what my mind has prepared. In the moment I find inspiration and creativity, but I also find joy, peace, and a profound love for my clients. Letting go of the ego brain and all of its expectations of control and perfection and embracing the messiness of learning to listen to something deeper – this has been the path that most deeply fulfills me in my work.
Thank you to those of you who trust me – you are helping me learn to trust myself.
Thank you to those of you who compliment my work – although I’d love to get to a point where I don’t need external validation (ha), it’s very helpful to have encouragement that this path is a valid one.

Jessi and Blake chose to donate 15% of their session to Operation Underground Railroad. They exist to rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Every one of our clients gets to choose a charity of their choice to donate to. It’s what makes us “GIVE!”
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